Customer Spotlight: St. John’s Jesuit High School and Academy
We are so happy to feature St. John’s for our September Customer Spotlight! St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy is northwestern Ohio’s Jesuit Catholic High School for young men in grades 6 – 12. We have worked with them since 2011, and each year they have ordered from us we have watched them excel in their commitment to their students and community. Their education program is rooted in Ignatian teachings, creating students open to growth, intellectually competent, religious, loving and committed to social justice.
St. John’s Jesuit High School & Academy aims to help each young man create his own unique journey. Their pride is that “Our graduates emerge as Men for Others.” They offer more than 113 courses, with 30 clubs and extra curricular activities and 50 athletic teams — sounds like a great choice for young boys!

“Our students are challenged as individuals to do their best, explore their interests and create their path for success.”
Can you tell us about your schools’ mission?
We are a Catholic Jesuit school for young men in grades 6 -12. At every level, our faculty and staff challenge students in Christ-centered environment to be loving, intellectually competent, religious, open to growth, and committed to doing social justice and merge as men for others.

St. Johns student overlooking the football field
What makes you stand apart from other boys’ schools?
St. John’s Jesuit is the only Jesuit school in Northwest Ohio. Central to Jesuit education is the meaning of the word “Magis.” It’s Latin and it means “the more.” More is what we call forth from our students. At SJJ, students are challenged to do everything to the best of their abilities and do so for the greater glory of God.
I noticed you all are a part of a worldwide Jesuit network…How does that impact/benefit your students?
St. John’s Jesuit is part of the largest international educational network of almost 4,000 schools. In the United States alone, there are 59 Jesuit high schools and 28 Jesuit colleges and universities. This gives our students and our graduates am immediate connection professionally and spiritually to close to three million students worldwide.
What are some of your top activities/sports you have to offer at your school?
At. St. SJJ, we have an outstanding Christian Service program which develops students as volunteers locally, in other parts of United States, as well as internationally. We are known for an outstanding athletic program, fine arts department including theater. Last year was the first year in the school’s history that the Marching Band received a “Superior” rating and competed at the state level. Also our Robotics Team competed with significant results at a state level. SJJ offers strong student services including academic and college counseling as well as tutoring in the A+ Learning Center.

St. John’s High School and Academy Campus
Your school is located on 54 acres of land! How do they adapt to a large campus?
The Campus comfortably accommodates our students, families, guests and alumni for a variety of purposes. Mentor groups help new student in the Academy to adapt!
What are some of your students’ favorite courses offered at your school?
Math and Science