We’ll Donate $1 to the YWCA When You Post to #CTWomen This March – Here’s How and Why

With one LinkedIn post, you can…

Support the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago.

Join the celebration of National Women’s History Month.

AND strengthen your relationships with the great women in your network.

Here’s how you do it

  • Post your favorite picture of yourself. One of your favorites, anyway. It’s okay if it’s not THE favorite. No explanation necessary. 
  • Tag three women in your network. And say a little something about what you admire about them – whatever words let them know they are great.
  • Add the hashtag #CTWomen

That’s it. 

And that’s $1 Candor Threads will donate to the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago to support their mission. 

Your post can make an impact in the YWCA’s work to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.

Your post can help support the critical services they provide for the Chicago community – from youth programs to economic empowerment services to the city’s rape crisis hotline. 

And your post gives you a chance to unapologetically brag on the amazing women you know. Here at Candor Threads, we figured why not spend March lifting up and appreciating the women who have impacted us? 

We couldn’t think of a good reason not to. Can you? 

What if I don’t have time to put a post together today?

That is alright. The good news is that March is one of those months with 31 days, so you have 9 more days to join the celebration. 

And it’s a fine idea to take a little time for reflection. You may find yourself wondering, Who has impacted me? What do I appreciate about them? How did I get my hair to look so great in this picture? A bit of reflection is a great way to observe National Women’s History Month. 

But don’t wait too long. Give the women you tag a chance to join in and make an impact too!

What if I can’t choose which 3 women to brag on? 

If you are one of the #blessed #CTWomen, you may have many women you’d like to lift up. And it can be hard to choose just three! 

Well, why not keep posting until you’ve named-checked them all? Or take this as an opportunity to reconnect with those you haven’t talked with in a while? 

The more people you connect with, the more good vibes are sent out into our networks, and the greater support YWCA Metropolitan Chicago receives. You can’t go wrong. 

What if we got a lot of folks to participate?

If we can activate our networks through this simple act of public appreciation and empowerment, we’d all benefit. 

We’d all strengthen our connections. We’d all take a second to reflect on the hands that helped us get where we are. We’d all contribute in our own way to the vital work of YWCA Metropolitan Chicago. And these days, isn’t that exactly what we all need? 

So get out there and get postin’!

Candor Threads is a women-led custom apparel company that has been connecting groups through wearable comradery for over 38 years. If you would like to learn more about our custom apparel options, contact us today!

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