Customer Spotlight: Union County High School custom shirts
They sent us this touching story about their custom shirts:
Coach Thompson was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2014 and came to us in 2018. Through all of his treatments he has led our football team to be the region champs for the 2018 and 2019 seasons. It was Coach Thompson who contacted Shop4Ties to design a Hawaiian Tiki shirt for our staff to encourage everyone to be positive no matter the circumstances we face. Below is a message Coach Thompson sent out to our faculty earlier in the year to explain his Hawaiian take on life.
“I will thank you guys for jumping on board with Tiki Tuesday. It’s a state of mind. It’s about taking life as it comes, not taking things too seriously, and enjoying something fun together.
Sometimes the grind gets to us. We are so worried about the test scores, the papers to grade, the meetings and tasks assigned to justify someone’s salary, that we lose sight of why we are here. As we deal with these things, I encourage you not to lose sight of your true purpose. Not teaching, science, PE, history, or math, but teaching people. I don’t coach football. I coach young people. There is enough negativity and division out there that often times we are the only consistent positive in the lives of these kids. Whether you like it or not you are a leader.
Choosing to lead in a positive direction or a negative one is up to you. But you cannot escape the responsibility of leading.
All though there are countless distractions and negative vibes in and around the lives of these kids…all sorts of distractions…all kinds of voices filling their heads with what “ought to be”… at the end of the day, you are a leader. Though, these distractions can be sometimes hard to break through, and as much as we don’t want to admit to ourselves, my man from Remember the Titans had it right…”Attitude reflects leadership, captain.”
As a matter of fact, attitude reflects and affects a lot of things. UCHS is such a great place and has much more potential. In the face of adversity, negativity, distractions, the mundane…choose your attitude. Choose to be positive. Choose to find the joy in the most noble profession on Earth! We have great teachers and great kids. Its gotta mean something to you. If you don’t “feel it” then fake it!”

Union County High School teachers in their custom Hawaiian shirts